Broken and Worn Teeth: A Beautiful New Smile With Custom Porcelain Veneers

Individual results may vary.

Case Details

This case is a young gentleman who was unhappy with his current smile.  His concerns were:

  1. Short worn teeth
  2. Yellow shade
  3. Crooked Teeth

Dr. Konig utilized his digital smile design to do a “test drive smile”.  The final porcelain veneers were layered in shades for a beautiful appearance.  The teeth were lengthened to the correct physiologic length for form, function, and esthetics.  End result: a very happy guy with a confident smile.


View Angle: front
Before Image: Broken and Worn Teeth: A Beautiful New Smile With Custom Porcelain Veneers - front


After Image: Broken and Worn Teeth: A Beautiful New Smile With Custom Porcelain Veneers - front


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