Did you know that TMJ pain, overbites, and open bites can be corrected non-surgically? This case shows exactly this and then natural porcelain veneers after the bite and TMJ correction. Myofunctional therapy was also incorporated for long term correction of the aberrant tongue posture. She is now pain free, can
Non-surgical Overbite and Open CorrectionBefore & After Gallery
Individual results may vary.This gentleman was constantly breaking teeth and having crowns placed. Additionally, experiencing TMJ pain and had difficulty chewing, as well as snoring. It is easy to see in the photos how damaged the teeth are due to his misaligned bite and overbite. Rather than keep restoring his teeth
Non surgical overbite correction, worn teethThis case portrays a lovely lady with worn teeth, overbite, and TMJ Pain.  Finding the correct physiologic bite position for the facial muscles, joints, and face allowed her to have a beautiful smile, no more overbite, and a more beautiful profile!
Overbite, Weak Chin, TMJ PainThese photos show a lady who was unhappy that her teeth did not show when smiling and her narrow smile. Additionally, she had TMJ symptoms and and deep overbite with a collapsed face and weak chin. Dr. Konig corrected her jaw alignment and found her correct physiologic bite. End
Small Teeth and Overbite CorrectionOverbite correction non surgically
Overbite/UnderbiteIn this particular case, the lower 1/3 of the face was lengthened which also moved the lower jaw forward eliminating the retruded chin often found in overbite patients. Notice the tremendous improvement in facial esthetics, profile, and muscle tone not to mention the outstanding smile!
Non-surgical Overbite Correction and TMJ Pain TreatmentThis case shows how an overbite can be corrected conservatively to create a beautiful smile and relieve TMJ pain.  Not only did this relieve pain it changed the patients lower 1/3 of her face which had collapsed due to the overbite. The retruded chin and aging appearance was corrected
Non-surgical Overbite Correction and TMJ Pain Relief