TMJ manifests itself in many ways. For patients who have pain, treatment is often sought to help relieve the pain which range from headaches, migraines, neckaches, and other facial pain.
However, many TMJ patients have worn teeth, chipped teeth, and even wear only on the front teeth or some occasional soreness when keeping their mouths open. Some patients have a limited range of motion to open and close but no pain. Most often these are TMJ or TMD problems that are either muscular due to a bad bite, or sometimes related to sleep apnea.
When there are airway or bite problems either the teeth, muscles, or jaw joints pay the price. By this I mean there will be damage to one of these areas.
Most neuromuscular dentists are trained to look at the entire picture to see how to best help the patient. You can read information about TMJ and sleep apnea at WebMD and on the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine or on our website.
If you have questions about TMJ Houston, Texas or TMJ treatment Houston, Texas , please feel free to call our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF 713-668-2289