Houston Sleep Dentist, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, follows research on the relationship of bruxism (grinding of one’s teeth) and sleep apnea. In fact, there is a device that can be used to measure bruxism and sleep apnea. There are many patients that have both sleep apnea and bruxism, however, sleep apnea is not the only cause of bruxism. One of the issues that concern me as dentist who treats a large number of TMJ and Sleep patients, is the number of patients using CPAP machines and the medical community not treating the remaining bruxism issue.
These are cases whereas the sleep apnea is not causing the bruxism. We see a lot of patients who have sleep apnea, use a CPAP, and are ruining their teeth due to the bruxism factor or TMJ issues. For those who are candidates for using dental sleep appliances, which is an alternative to CPAP machines, the appliances can usually address both issues, sleep and bruxism. It is important that the dentists understand any TMJ that may also need to be treated. In short, I hope this blog helps physicians, sleep labs, and patients recognize the need to treat both issues.
If you have questions regarding Houston TMJ or TMJ Treatment, please feel free to call our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF 713-668-2289