Houston TMJ Dentist, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, discusses symptoms of TMJ pain as many patients are unaware of that this can be causing their symptoms. An article in the Huffington Post clearly states not to ignore these symptoms. Interestingly, the following is a brief list of some common problems stemming from TMJ issues:
1) Headaches or Migraines
2) Pain in the Jaw JointÂ
3) Pain or congestive feelings in the ear
4) Head, neck, or shoulder pain
5) Clicking or popping jaw joints
6) Locking jaw
7) Facial asymmetry
These symptoms can often have a debilitating effect on individuals affecting the quality of their lives. As one can see, these symptoms often mimic other medical problems. For example, many patients have seen ENT’s as they feel they have an earache, others have seen neurologists as they have chronic headaches. It is always prudent to rule out other medical issues, however, further awareness of diagnosing TMJ is needed to help these patients. There are many techniques we use to properly determine if these issues are caused by tempormandibular dysfunciton. In addition to a professional TMJ exam the use of CBCT 3D imaging and postural evaluation of the cervical area plays an important role.
I will address how TMJ affects each of the above situations in future blogs. If you have any questions regarding TMJ, please feel free to contact our office, 713-668-2289.