Why consider veneers to make over your smile?

Many people who have crooked, misshapen or chipped teeth may avoid the dentist thinking they don’t have many options to create a beautiful smile. Porcelain veneers are a popular way of making over your smile and giving you newfound confidence. Read on to learn how dental veneers work to give you your best smile.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are ultra-thin pieces of strong porcelain that are custom-designed to fit your tooth shape and size and blend in with surrounding teeth. These can fix a multitude of problems, including crooked, misshapen or chipped teeth, stained teeth, worn teeth edges, uneven teeth and even close the gaps between teeth.

Advantages of Dental Veneers

Patients and dentists both love porcelain veneers as they are a conservative approach to changing tooth color and shape. They are a stronger, more aesthetic alternative to crowns and don’t require the extensive work that crowns do. Porcelain veneers provide a natural tooth appearance and are stain-resistant. The color of the veneer can be tailored to your natural teeth color or can be whiter if you’re looking to brighten a dingy smile. Surrounding gum tissue also tolerates the porcelain well. Veneers can last up to 15 years before needing to be replaced.

Disadvantages of Dental Veneers

While veneers are a popular choice for dental restoration, there are some disadvantages to them. First of all, the veneer process is not reversible. When the tooth is prepped and a layer of enamel is removed to make room for the veneer, the tooth may become more sensitive to hot and cold foods and beverages. The color of the veneer cannot be altered once in place, so if you are planning to whiten your teeth, you should do so before placement.

Teeth that have veneers can still experience decay, and the tooth may one day need a restorative crown. People who grind their teeth may not be good candidates for veneers, as this can cause the material to crack or chip. If the veneer cracks or chips, it usually can’t be repaired, just replaced.

If you’re looking to improve your smile and wondering if veneers may be a good option for you, call 713-425-1302 for a consultation with Dr. Konig.

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