The healthy function of your teeth and jaws (TMJ) depends on the proper balance and function of your jaw joints, facial muscles and teeth. Harmony between the jaw joints, jaw muscles, and teeth is what allows one to function without strain or tensions. If these three factors are not in balance a wide range of disorders can follow. A few of these are:
- Temporo mandibular joint pain (TMJ Disorder)
- Neck aches
- Ear problems: ringing and/or fullness
- Tooth wear and clenching
- Headaches
- Postural issues involvoing the neck and back
This means that your teeth can cause a lot of problems that are often overlooked and not diagnosed. Proper evaluation to help patients can not be limited to looking at the teeth alone. It is necessary to look at the total individual in order to help provide long term health and comfort and to eliminate these other related pains.
If you have questions regarding Houston TMJ or Houston TMJ Dentists, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF 713-668-2289.