Certain foods and beverages cause tooth stains. Tomato sauce, soy sauce, blueberries, red wine, coffee, tea, soda and sports drinks are common causes of tooth stains. These kinds of stains respond well to topical teeth whiteners since these stains rest on top of the tooth enamel.
DayWhite and NightWhite are two at-home kits that work differently. DayWhite is a hydrogen peroxide solution that varies in strength to address the level of stains on your teeth. With consistent daily use, it dramatically brightens teeth in just 14 days. NightWhite is a carbamide peroxide solution that also comes in varying strengths to meet your individual needs. You wear these overnight or for three to four hours a day to see results in as little as three days.
Professional at-home kits are formulated to reduce tooth sensitivity. One of the biggest concerns patients have is tooth sensitivity, especially if they’ve tried store-bought kits. The professional kits are formulated with amorphous calcium phosphate and potassium nitrate to cut down on sensitivity. DayWhite and NightWhite also contain fluoride to help strengthen enamel for stronger, healthier teeth.
Teeth whitening may not be enough to address stains underneath tooth enamel. Porcelain veneers or dental bonding may be recommended to treat deeper stains. A comprehensive consultation with Dr. Konig will help you understand all of your options.
A whiter, brighter smile can help you in so many areas of your life. If you live in Houston or surrounding areas and are interested in learning more about professional teeth whitening, call 713-668-2289 for a consultation with Dr. Konig to see which option would be best for you.