Unfortunately, botox is touted as an effective treatment to bruxism or grinding of the teeth. Bruxism can lead to damaged teeth, headaches, ear pain, and other TMJ issues. Whereas bruxism is more common than some think, it is important to understand why some patients brux.
Damaged teeth from Bruxism or a Bad Bite
Some causes of bruxism:
1) Muscle imbalance from TMJ issues
2) Sleep Apnea: bruxism to try an open airway
3) Eustachian tube issues
4) Certain medications
5) Problems with TMJ joints and/or cervical issues
It is important to know what is causing bruxism before considering Botox or any type of treatment.
Whereas it has been proclaimed that Botox works, side effects are not often mentioned or noted until its too late. Generally speaking Botox is a bandaid that most often masks a larger underlying problem. It has been noted that even though there are some positive short term results, it is known that Botox decreases bone density. This can lead to permanent damage with continued use and permanent facial changes.
Botox is not a cure.
Some dentists have used Botox injections as treatment for teeth grinding (bruxism). These injections were meant to reduce symptoms of bruxism, not to cure it.
If you have questions regarfding Houston TMJ or TMJ Treatment, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, 713-668-2289