Cosmetic Dentistry ads can be found everywhere. There is no recognized specialty by the American Dental Association for Cosmetic Dentistry although I wish there was. These photos are all our patients and will hopefully provide more information as to the considerations and skills that go into designing a smile that looks like it fits the patient and their face. Experience and advanced training are essential. 1) Smile line: it is important to design how the new smile or porcelain veneers will follow the lip line
Smile Design of Porcelain Veneers to follow the lip line
2) Proportion of the teeth to each other: enhances the appearance dramatically: note the difference
Note how the ratio of one tooth to the next enhances her smile
3) Size of the teeth to each other and how it fits the patient -many times, veneers and crowns are designed and appear too bulky or large for the patients. -this factor is essential to great smiles 4) Gumline (gummy smiles can be changed)
Gummy smileline
Laser Gum Recontouring and ceramic veneers and crowns
5) Bite -many times patients present with damaged teeth due to their bite, this often needs to be changed to ensure the new work will last
Worn, broken teeth and gum recession from bad bite
Bite corrected and smile makeover completed to new bite
6) Lower 1/3 face: the non-surgical facelift: changing this creates a better proportioned face and teeth -if any TMJ issues or bite problems, this is the time to correct them
TMJ problems and bad bite
TMJ treated and bite corrected. Note the non-surgical improvement and youthfulness of the lower 1/3 face:
7) Position of the teeth in the mouth: there are techniques to change this non-orthodontically 8) Shading and texture of the teeth: determines how much light is reflected off the teeth
natural contours and texture creating a beautiful and radiant smile with
9) Patient desires! Wide smile? White smile? Natural?
Veneers that are white and radiant and create a full and beautiful smile
These and many other factors go into our smile designs and are essential to creating successful and beautiful smiles. If you have questions regarding Houston Cosmetic Dentistry or Houston Cosmetic Dentists, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF 713-668-2289