Overbites are often associated with retruded chins, unesthetic facial profiles as well as TMJ pain symptoms. This case shows how proper jaw alignment techniques and bite correction can correct the overbites with a combination of porcelain crowns and porcelain veneers. Porcleain veneers alone cannot correct overbites. The goal was to try and save the upper crowns she recently had completed, resolve her pain and chewing issues and then correct the lower teeth.

Overbite and TMJ Pain

Corrected Overbite and TMJ pain Relieved
In this case, the patient presented to our office with the upper teeth already restored with crowns and was disappointed as well as in pain with her TMJ and experiencing headaches. The previous work had altered her bite and not corrected the overbite as she had hoped for.
How Porcelain Crowns Can Help an OverBite:
The first step was a reversible “test drive” with a fixed orthotic to the corrected physiologic jaw position found by using Biometric Computerized Data of the muscles and other valuable information.
Once this position was comfortable and her headaches and bite issues resolved, the permanent porcelain crowns and veneers on the lower teeth were completed. In addition to the overbite correction and nice facial features, a Tekscan was utilized to fine-tune the bite for long term stability and comfort. This case also portrays a non-surgical facelift in the dental office.
If you have any questions regarding non-surgical overbite correction or TMJ headache treatment, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, FIAPA, 713-668-2289