Most patients who are seeking possible TMJ treatment solutions have probably come across Botox as a method of decreasing the pain. Whereas Botox can give some pain relief, it is not a good solution long term. In fact it is not a long-term solution at all.
Using Botox for TMJ is simply placing a band-aid on. It does not promote healing or correct the problem. In fact, most of the time no diagnosis is made or even a CBCT scan to see what the actual problem is. Would you get an injection into to your knee with an xray or diagnosis?
So How Does Botox work?
Botox is a neurotoxin protein that causes temporary paralysis of the muscles. It is not FDA approved for TMJ disorders. It is injected into the muscles of the jaw and forehead that helps to bring some pain relief. It usually wears off after a few months and the pain returns unless more injections are needed again.
Another issue of concern with Botox use is that it can possibly induce paralysis of the muscles that keep the airway open at nighttime.
What are Some Long Term TMJ Treatment Options?
Before any treatment options are considered, proper diagnosis of the problem is essential. The actual problem or diagnosis will correlate to treatment options. Proper diagnosis should include a full assessment of the jaw joints, airway, neck, and facial muscles.  A CBCT is also an extremely important component of the diagnosis offering so much valuable information. Almost all cases can be treated non-surgically.
If you have any questions or concerns with Houston TMJ Treatment or Houston, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, 713-668-2289.