Better Understanding and Treating TMJ Problems
Treatment for TMJ and TMJ pain has continued to evolve over many years. With neuromuscular dentistry and computerized TMJ anaysis, we can better understand treat TMJ problems and its associated pain then ever before.
I have just finished a 3 day Advanced TMJ and Scan Interpretation course in which the newest advancements and understandings were reviewed and discussed. This allows me to better predict and design TMJ treatment protocols for our TMJ patients. Additionally, the relationship, or rather the effect of TMJ problems on posture and the neck was also reviewed and new techniques discussed on physical therapy implications. Many of these issues can be seen in the x-rays and ICAT images of the head and neck.
These advancements will help us assist those TMJ patients in severe pain quicker and more efficiently.
If you have any questions with regards to TMJ pain or TMD issues, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, a Houston TMJ Dentist, 713-668-2289