Posted: November 30, 2011
It is truly amazing how many patients we see for TMJ who have been to ENT’s, neurologists, and cardiologists as well. The reasons vary from earaches, dizziness, migraines, and severe neck pain. It is prudent to rule out medical issues when these symptoms are present. However, many of these patients are placed on medicine as no underlying cause can be found and still do not get results. These are the patients who wind up in our office. TMJ is just now being slightly more diagnosed in the medical field which is evident by the increased number of referrals that our office is receiving from the physicians. By the same token, it is the responsibility of those treating TMJ or TMD to do a thorough evaluation and refer to MD’s when other issues may be present. There are so many ways that TMJ mimics other medical problems and is beyond the scope of this blog to discuss. I do hope that this blog opens an awareness to those who are suffering from facial pain, migraines, headaches, and even ringing of the ears to seek help if needed. If you have any questions about TMJ treatment or TMJ pain Houston, Texas please feel free to call our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF 713-668-2289