Missing Lateral Incisors Missing lateral incisor teeth are quite common and often pose issues on the best way to treat this. Advanced cosmetic dentistry techniques allow for several options that patients can choose from, these considerations must also consider the patients age as well: 1) Removable retainer 2) Fixed non-prep lingual bonded bridges 3) Dental Implants
No-prep bridges
The first option is not very desirable as it comes in and out. The second option, a lingual bonded bridge does offer many positives and is really an excellent choice for teenagers coming out of braces who are too young to have dental implants placed. Since there is no grinding of the tooth structure, it is most conservative, and allows patients to have something that is fixed and feels like their own teeth. The photo reveals a photo of two lingually bonded bridges that were custom shaded to create a natural appearance. Additionally, a gum lift or gingivectomy with a laser was completed to create a more symmetrical smileline. The third option, dental implants, is an excellent way to replace the missing teeth. Our office uses custom implant abutments to enhance the esthetics of the implants that are used. As with lingually bonded bridges, we also custom shade the implant crowns to blend in beautifully with the natural teeth. If you have any questions with regards to Houston Dental Implants or Houston Cosmetic Dentistry, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF 713-668-2289