Keeping your oral health in check is essential to upkeep the integrity of your teeth. However, almost everyone is bound is experience cavities at some point in their lives. If you’re young enough, those teeth are likely to simply be removed and replaced with adult teeth over time. That being said, adult teeth require fillings after a cavity has been properly removed. These fillings have been made with various materials over the years. Two of the most popular fillings have been metal and porcelain. Let’s explore the difference between metal and porcelain fillings so you can decide what’s right for you.
Metal Dental Fillings
Metal dental fillings have been a more traditional choice for a long time. Metal fillings, also known as silver amalgam, are durable fillings that consist of silver, tin, zinc, copper, and mercury. They have been used for well over 100 years and continue to be used to this day. However, some concerns have been raised about the mercury content in the fillings. Metal dental fillings can be seen as unappealing because of their dark metal color in the teeth. The contrast between white teeth and dark metal may be uncomfortable or undesirable to some. One of the largest downsides of metal fillings is their reactivity to temperature. The metal fillings will expand or contract when exposed to high or low temperatures. This can cause cracking in the filling and can potentially crack the natural tooth.
Porcelain Dental Fillings
Porcelain dental fillings have become very popular as an alternative to metal fillings. Porcelain fillings are made with a resin compound and are bonded to the teeth. They are extremely durable and don’t have the same downsides as metal fillings. Porcelain fillings are colored the same as your teeth and are difficult to notice. Porcelain doesn’t contract or expand the same way a metal filling would, and there is no mercury content.
Which Is Right for Me?
In the end, deciding which filling is right for you should be a discussion between you and your dental provider. However, porcelain fillings provide a clear advantage over metal fillings for aesthetic and functional reasons. That’s why Dr. Ronald Konig provides porcelain fillings for when teeth need to be repaired. Dr. Konig prides himself on providing the most advanced procedures in cosmetic dentistry. If you’re in need of porcelain fillings, contact Dr. Konig’s office at 713-668-2289 today.