5 Everyday Dental Issues

A woman is in a dentist chair with an everyday dental issue. Everyone will experience getting a popcorn kernel stuck in their gums at least once in their lifetime. Still, other everyday dental issues one might not be aware of could be a sign of an underlying condition. For those with dental anxiety, or dentophobia, going to the dentist for chronic tooth, gum, or jaw pain is at the bottom of their to-do list. However, leaving tooth, gum, or jaw pain or sensitivity unchecked and untreated can lead to serious dental health problems. 


Everyday Dental Issues

One may shrug off dental pain as a one-off occurrence. However, dental pain and sensitivities can be an indicator of more serious dental problems. The most common everyday dental issue is cavities. Other dental concerns one could have are:

  1. Periodontal (gum) disease
  2. Clenching or grinding teeth
  3. Chipped or cracked tooth
  4. Cold sensitivity
  5. Hyperdontia (extra teeth)

Periodontal or gum disease is a common issue and could result from bruxism or grinding of teeth. Clenching and grinding of teeth may suggest an individual suffers from TMJ. Treatment for TMJ includes ULtra-Low Frequency TENS or implant dentistry.

Chipped or cracked teeth could be a result of damaged enamel or from grinding and clenching teeth. In addition, chipped and cracked teeth can lead to debilitating dental pain. Speak with Dr. Konig to discuss the possibility of TMJ causing dental pain and chipped teeth.

Teeth that are ultra-sensitive to heat or cold can be a sign of a more serious dental issue. Cracked or chipped teeth or gum disease can all contribute to teeth sensitivities. Checking in with a dentist will help alleviate concerns that these everyday dental issues are symptoms of an underlying condition.

Next Steps

The best prevention method is being proactive in one’s dental health. Scheduling and attending regular cleanings and check-ups are a person’s first line of defense against having once in a while dental issues become frequent occurrences. However, if one is already experiencing regular instances of these everyday dental issues, discussing concerns about one’s dental health with a dentist is crucial. Additionally, once a person gets a dental evaluation, the faster an individual will receive treatment and relief from dental pain.

Contact Us

Contact us at Konig Center for Cosmetic & Comprehensive Dentistry to start the journey towards dental happiness with a consultation. Relief from teeth and jaw pain is within reach. Dr. Konig and his expert office staff are waiting to make your dental dreams a reality. Fill out our contact form or call us at (713) 668-2289. We offer various dental services and treatments at our office in Houston, TX.

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