The Reason TMJ is Important

cranial derangement
 Misaligned bites can cause a host of symptoms.

The TMJ  or Temporomandibular Joint  is a highly overlooked orthopedic issue that affects the whole body.  In addition to affecting the bite, it affects the facial symmetry.  This aspect is more recognizable than the following which are also affected by TMJ misalignment:

  1. Cervical Spine (neck pain)
  2. Spine
  3. Blood Supply to the brain
  4. Cranial bone
  5. Facial bones
  6. Occlusion

Why does this occur?

Dr. Konig explains:  “The TMJ directly influences C2 (Axis), so if the occlusion is off this causes a TMJ imbalance which can affect the entire body.”

By realigning the way the teeth meet together and recapturing the disc in the joint, it is possible to non-surgically correct most TMJ misalignments.  It is important treat TMJ disorders comprehensively and not just the teeth.

With the use of 3D imaging and comprehensively evaluation, it is possible to see and understand what disorders are in place. Most of the time realigning the joints, facial muscles, and cervical muscles results in elimination of patients pain.

If you have any questions regarding Houston TMJ Treatment or Non-surgical overbite correction, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, 713-668-2289.


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