An overbite occurs when the lower jaw is pushed too far back towards the ears and results in a small chin and small rounded face appearance. This case shows the recessed lower jaw, short face, and misaligned teeth as well as missing upper lateral incisors and TMJ Pain.
Before: overbite and TMJ pain
Overbites can also cause sleep apnea. Many of these patients seek treatment for overbite for several reasons:
- TMJ Pain and/or facial pain
- Improve their facial esthetics
- Both TMJ and facial profile
With this case Dr. Konig explains how these overbites can be treated without surgery or braces. They can also be treated over months and not years. Working with the bite can improve patient’s lives, decrease tooth damage, joint damage, alleviate TMJ pain, and also correct short face which also looks like an aging face and finally create a beautiful smile. So many patients do not realize their bad bite is what has been affecting their health. Additionally, many have been to multiple physicians, neurologists, ENTs, chiropractors, and massage therapists.
Dr. Konig works with patient’s using computer technology to help find and optimize the correct physiologic bite and to find the best functional and comfortable bite position with respect for the facial muscles, jaw joints, and neck muscles as well. Posture is an integral part of this.
During the first phase of treatment, this bite is “test driven”. Once patient feels comfortable and patient’s feel better, the second phase , which is move or build the teeth to this bite position. Dr. Konig can then design the cosmetic dentistry factors for the patients. In some cases only the back lower teeth need to done. Most cases can be done conservatively with minimal tooth preparation or grinding.
If you have questions regarding TMJ Treatment, Non-surgical overbite correction, or non-surgical facelifts in the dental office, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, 713-668-2289.