Cosmetic Dentistry is a broad term and we are fortunate to have a wide range of options to change patient’s smiles and lives. From porcelain veneers to minimal prep porcelain veneers there is a lot more that needs to be addressed. Many of these patient’s who present with a desire for cosmetic dentistry have problems ranging from worn and broken teeth to TMJ pain, or even headaches. These patients need to be evaluated for what I term, “functional cosmetic dentistry”. Notice the wear in the bottom photo on the back of her upper teeth. These teeth were worn thin from her bite that was causing her pain. There is almost no enamel left on the teeth.
The lady in this picture is an example of someone who came in for cosmetics and yet had severe neck pain and headaches. Even though her teeth do not appear to be severely worn, rather than simply create a beautiful smile for her, addressing her pain and treating her for TMJ and Cosmetics, “Functional Cosmetic Dentistry”, her life was changed. She is now headache free and enjoys her smile as well.
Notice from a cosmetic dental standpoint, these teeth were designed, not only for her bite, but also to fit her face and personallity. If you have questions about Houston Cosmetic Dentistry or Houston TMJ, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF at 713-668-2289.