Non-surgical Overbite and Open Correction

Individual results may vary.

Case Details

Did you know that TMJ pain, overbites, and open bites can be corrected non-surgically? This case shows exactly this and then natural porcelain veneers after the bite and TMJ correction. Myofunctional therapy was also incorporated for long term correction of the aberrant tongue posture. She is now pain free, can breathe normally, and has a beautiful smile and no weak chin. An elated and healthy patient!

Before: Weak chin and open bite with TMJ pain
After: Overbite, openbite, and TMJ pain corrected non-surgical and new porcelain veneers.

View Angle: front
Before Image: Non-surgical Overbite and Open Correction - front


After Image: Non-surgical Overbite and Open Correction - front


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