TMJ: Do I Have to Get Surgery?

This is a common question that patients ask Houston TMJ Dentist Dr. Konig during their consultation. Generally speaking almost 95% of our TMJ cases are treated non-surgically.  There are usually several approaches that can be used and with neuromuscular dentistry can eliminate the need for surgery in many cases. One treatment protocol does not fit all cases and a thorough assessment of each individual is necessary.

Non-surgically, it is often possible to:

  1. Correct misaligned jaw
  2. Fix clicking and popping of the jaw joint
  3. Eliminate many chief complaints related to this misalignment (neck pain, ear pain, facial pain.etc)
  4. Correct facial symmetry and facial proportions

If you have questions regarding Houston TMJ and or non-surgical TMJ treatment, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF  713-668-2289


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