Cosmetic Dentistry is really more than just pretty teeth. TMJ and facial symmetry should also be considered when a smile makeover is being discussed. Pain from TMJ problems affect the face, eyes, neck, and often the teeth. In this case, note the significant improvement in the overall health, appearance and symmetry of her facial muscles. Note how her jaw is shifted to the left before treatment and how her facial alignment is significantly improved after treatment.
When treating cases with TMJ and cosmetic issues, it is always important to address any TMJ or bite related issues first. Essentially, TMJ treatment is to find the correct physiologic relationship for the teeth, facial muscles, and neck, and jaw joints prior to beginning any treatment. Sometimes patients have no pain but severely damaged teeth. Why would anyone restore these teeth to the same bite and jaw position that caused them to be damaged?
This case shows how TMJ and bite correction realigned the facial muscles and allowed her to be restored to a healthy and functional position. If you have questions regarding Houston Cosmetic Dentist or Houston TMJ, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, 713-668-2289