TMJ and Pain Relief
I just came across an article from the the AADR, an organization that is run by academic dentists. This article stated that many TMD patients tend to improve or resolve over time.
It would be nice if this is was the case. I have been treating TMJ patients for more than 15 years and the overwhelming majority have lived in pain and misery for years with no relief. I can attest that the age of these patients range from 20 to 70. Most patients having been to numerous medical specialists seeking relief.
In short, I think this article will receive a lot a negative repsonse from TMJ pain patients, especially those who have been treated with neuromuscular dentistry and are now relatively painfree, have no more vertigo, facial pain, headaches and neckaches and more. It would be interesting to know what the authors mean by over time. Why would someone want to suffer for 20 years if they could be helped?
In my practice, it would be easy to have our neuromuscularly treated TMJ patients provide their stories about their relief (and many have sent us thank you notes) and improved quality of life and happiness after treatment.
If you have any questions about TMJ or neuromuscular dentistry, please feel free to call our office,
Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, a houston TMJ dentist and houston neuromuscular dentist,
Recently AADR- American Association for Dental Research – an organization almost entirely run by academic dentists issued a TMD policy. It says, in part, “Studies of the natural history of many TMDs suggest that they tend to improve or resolve over time.”
That certainly is not the case with the folks that we treat. They have been suffering for years and even decades before getting help through Neuromuscular dentistry.