With the shutdown of non-essential emergencies in dentistry, I hope these home suggestions for TMJ pain will help you for the time being.
These suggestions are general and may or may not help for all issues:
1) Eat Soft Foods, avoid hard and chewy foods as well as foods that require wide opening like hamburgers or sandwiches
2) Jaw position: Try to position your jaw with the teeth slightly apart to help rest the muscles
3) Moist heat or ice on your jaw joints for 5-10 minutes, see which one helps most
4) Medication: Try an over the counter anti-inflammatory
5) Massage your neck and jaw muscles: TMJ issues do affect the neck muscles too
6) Watch your posture. Bad posture strains the head and neck muscles
7) Try an over the counter appliance: these will not help everyone, some are large and some are smaller, without knowing the cause of your TMJ issues, I cannot offer suggestions here
8) Try relaxation exercises
9) Try breathing exercises for overall stress relief
When the lockdown changes, see a dentist with special interests in TMJ treatment. There are many excellent non-surgical methods to treat TMJ pain.
If you have any questions regarding Houston TMJ Treatment or TMJ pain, please feel free to contact our office or email us, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, 713-248-8868.