Some Overlooked Signs of Complex TMJ and Orthodontic Cases

There are many signs of TMJ and Bad Bite issues that are very often overlooked.  Patients do not have to have tmj pain in the jaw joints to have significant problems that range from:

1) Neck or cervical pain or alignment

2)  Poor Body Posture

3)  Teeth Misalignment

4)  Snoring or Airway issues


When examining patients, there are some things that can be indications to recognize and know treatment is often indicated.  These are 10 often missed signs of a complex case or issues that, untreated, may cause additional problems:

1) Severe crowding

2) Midlines of upper and lower jaw not centered

3) TMJ Symptoms

4) Mouth breathing

5) Tongue tied or tongue thrust

6) Lower jaw shifted to one side

7) Uneven upper and lower teeth horizontally  (called a cant)

8) Moderate to severe facial asymmetry

9) Poor Oral Hygiene


Each of the criteria listed above can have detrimental affects on other health issues. For example, severe crowding most often affects the airway and breathing as the teeth are pushing the jaw backwards which in turn also makes the airway smaller.  Another example is mouthbreathing, which not only gives patients poorer oxygen quantities, but also can cause narrow dental jaws and also forward head posture. 

The list is unending.  When considering treatment ,whether for TMJ pain or correction of your teeth, the causative factors must be addressed for successful outcomes.   If you have a tongue tie which leads to improper swallow and crooked teeth, simply straightening the teeth will not correct the problem and your teeth will most likely relapse.

Generally speaking, treatment should assess the midface, the joint position, airway, cervical spine alignment, body posture, and teeth misalignment.  It is essential to not just look at teeth.

If you have questions regarding Houston TMJ treatment or Houston Myofunctional Care, please contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, FIAPA, 713-248-8868

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