There are often several non-surgical overbite correction options and to improve the facial proportions and smile as well.

This case shows a gentleman with:
- Overbite
- TMJ pain and popping
- Unhappy with his smile
- Airway/sleep apnea issues
- Short lower 1/3 of his face
- Facial Asymmetry
Surgery had been recommended, however, he did not wish to take this route. An alternate treatment, bite management to correctly align the jaw and facial structure to their correct physiologic bite. A fixed orthotic and computerized bite and muscle readings were used to find and ascertain this position for comfort, function, and esthetics. Once the “test drive bite” was complete and patient asymptomatic, minimal prep porcelain veneers and onlays to build the teeth to this corrected and comfortable position. This
Most TMJ patients have some degree of facial asymmetry which is most often corrected with these procedures. An additional benefit is this helped his sleep apnea as it opened the airway more since the jaw came forward and the vertical increased which provides more tongue space as well.
The results show a healthier patient with a beautiful smile no more TMJ pain as well as a non-surgical facelift that changed his facial asymmetry and lower 1/3 of his face.
If you have questions regarding Houston Overbite Correction or Houston TMJÂ pain treatment, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, 713-668-2289.