Am I a candidate?
Candidates for a laser gum lift believe their teeth look too short, they don’t like the amount of gum tissue that shows when they smile, or they feel like their gum line looks uneven.
What is the cause of a gummy smile?
There are a variety of reasons for a gummy smile, most of which are genetic. A short upper lip or excessive gum tissue is the biggest cause. An abnormal eruption of teeth means that teeth appear to be short when they are the proper length but covered by excessive gum tissue.
What is a laser gum lift?
Gum lifts have come a long way. Initially, lifts were done by cutting the tissue with a scalpel. Today, state-of-the-art laser technology is able to ablate or vaporize gum tissue painlessly. Most patients require only a mild anesthetic for comfort. During a laser gum lift, Dr. Konig sculpts gum tissue into an attractive shape to complement your teeth and overall smile.
What is recovery like?
With laser gum lift, no sutures or involved, and you can expect less bleeding and swelling compared to gum lift surgeries of the past. After your gum lift, your gums may feel a little sore for several days, but recovery is relatively quick.
If you want to fix your gummy smile for aesthetic reasons only, your dentist may only focus on the smile zone, or the teeth that show when you smile or speak. During your comprehensive consultation, your dentist will discuss your options and make recommendations based on your concerns.
If you are unhappy with the way your gums and teeth look, talk to your dentist to see if laser gum lift is right for you. To schedule a consultation, call our office at 713-425-1302 today.