Before considering surgery or cosmetic dentistry and you have an overbite and or TMJ issues, it is wise to consider and understand all your options. In this particular case, surgery would not have corrected his bite and airway to the extent possible with non-surgical facelift procedures in the dental office. These types of cases are not just cosmetic dentistry cases with porcelain veneers. Veneers alone can not accomplish and help these types of patients.
Symptoms in this case included:
1)Deep overbite and severe crowding
2) Severe wear and broken teeth due to the misaligned bite
3) Overclosed bite
4) TMJ pain and popping jaws
4) Retruded chin and sagging jaw line
5) Airway/sleep apnea issues
6) Poor smile
Dr. Konig explains, “Using computerized technology enabled us to find eliminate the overbite, test drive the new bite, and allow the joints and muscles to heal. Once we have established the bite alignment and comfort, conservative porcelain restorations were used to build the bite to this position for long term comfort, health, and cosmetics.”.
A fixed orthotic was used to test the bite as opposed to a removable deprogrammer or removable appliance. There are multiple advantages of a fixed orthotic as opposed to a removable appliance:
- Allows the patient to eat, chew, and function 24/7 at the corrected bite
- Allows for better and proper healing of jaws and neck
- Allows for the same bite day and night
- Much more comfortable and practical!
In this particular case, the lower 1/3 of the face was lengthened which also moved the lower jaw forward eliminating the retruded chin often found in overbite patients.
Notice the tremendous improvement in facial esthetics, profile, and muscle tone not to mention the outstanding smile!
If you have questions regarding TMJ Treatment or Houston Cosmetic Dentistry, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, FIAPA, 713-668-2289.