How Can Advanced Dentistry Change your Jawline Non-surgically

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal ( that was discussing how sharp jawlines are desired. This is  understandable.  The article discusses how a dermatologist uses fillers and botox to help these patients and discusses facelifts as the gold standard. this is all helpful, however, what was left out is what some TMJ trained dentists can do to more permanently change this.  This shows how how surgery and botox overshadow some excellent care.

Dr. Konig, a TMJ Dentist in the Houston Medical Center area, “Uses the term Non-surgical facelift in the dental office to describe how some procedures can dramatically improve the  jawline and facial features as well as the smile”.

Strong Jawline with Non-surgical
Non-surgical facelift in the dental office, enhancing facial features and jawline and a beautiful smile.
Jaw Development
Before Treatment: weak jawline
Non-surgical jaw development
After non-surgical jaw development  treatment

How does this work?  Many patients have overbites or underbites  or overclosed bites.  In most cases, all these can be treated non-surgically to significantly improve their facial features and jawlines.  This not only improves the lower one third of the face and jawline, but also improves the bite, posture, and airway as well.

There is a difference between simply doing porcelain veneers which will not change the facial features or jawline and doing non-surgical jaw development. Veneers are a wonderful cosmetic option if all you are interested in is changing the way your teeth look.  Jaw development changes the facial features and jawline.  Interestingly, even a surgical facelift will not change the lower one third of the face.

The basis is to find the correct physiologic position for the jaw with respect to the facial  muscles, neck muscles, and jaw joints.  Interestingly, many have TMJ pain symptoms already and are not aware that this is what is causing their pain.  Others simply are unhappy with their weak jawlines or collapsed face.

Dr. Konig explains that he uses a test drive bite reversibly before any long term treatment is started.  This allows him to ascertain patient comfort and provide patients with their options as well.

The photos exemplify the dramatic changes that are possible.  If you have questions regarding Houston Non-surgical facelifts or Houston TMJ Treatment, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, 713-668-2289.

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