Houston TMJ: How does this affect facial symmetry?

TMJ problems have, in addition to cause pain, been known to cause facial asymmetry along with other postural issues.  This affects ones health and attractiveness as well.  It has long been known that symmetry is attractive to the human eye. The face is often divided into third should be equal to each other for facial balance which results in a pleasing appearance.  The fact to consider is lower  jaw symmetry which is one one of the most important aspects of facial symmetry. A study at California State University at Northridge, show that” increased symmetry of the lower jaw line increases perceived levels of facial attractiveness, whereas other areas of facial symmetry were not rated as high.” Going back to TMJ, there are many cases in which the jaw has grown asymmetrically.  This is a problem and many advocate surgery, however, most cases do not have to be surgical cases.  So many of our patients present with asymmetries of the lower jaw that can be corrected by properly aligning the jaws with TMJ treatment  requiring no surgery.  Diagnosis is essential and 3D scans are necessary to be able to visualize the problem.

TMJ pain patient with shorter lower 1/3 face

Pain free after Houston TMJ treatment and bite correction: Notice the improved facial proportions of the lower 1/3 face

Correcting these asymmetries not only relieves our patients TMJ pain, but also improves their facial features and cosmetics.  This is a bonus of correct TMJ treatment. In fact, neuromuscular dentistry for TMJ allows us, in some cases, to change and improve the lower one third of the face, something that plastic surgeons cannot acheive. The photo above illustrates this change on our TMJ patient who is now pain free, has no TMJ symptoms, and has a much more esthetic and proportional facial outline. If you have any questions about Houston Texas TMJ Treatment or Houston Cosmetic Dentist, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF  713-668-2289

Dr. Konig

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