Cosmetic Dentistry and White Teeth

There are four basic ways to whiten teeth: 1) Porcelain veneers 2) In-office whitening 3) Professional Trays for home whitening 4) Over the counter products So how white is white enough?  It is interesting that CNN reported awhile back with this saying:   Remember that old adage, “You can never be too thin or too rich”?

Ultraviolet light treatment, shown here at Smilestudio in London, England, is one way to whiten teeth.

You can add to that list: too white — your teeth Whereas I do not agree with this statement, it is true that most patients would like their teeth as white as possible from bleaching.  However, when it comes to using porcelain veneers, I have found through the years that there is a gravitation towards wanting white and yet more naturally appearing teeth.  This is not true for everyone, and is the cosmetic dentists responsiblity to communicate wtih each patient and design veneers according to the patients desires.  Whitening or “bleaching” teeth has it limits and teeth will only get so white based on the original shade of teeth.  Both professional methods work better than over the counter products such as Crest Whitestrips.  These do work but are not as effective or consistent as professional techniques. If you have questions about Cosmetic Dentistry Houston, Texas or Porcelain Veneers Houston, Texas or Whitening Teeth  Houston, Texas please feel free to call our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF  713-668-2289

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