No-prep Veneers : Konig Smile Designs
Porcelain veneers can be utilized for a wide range of dental problems and concerns. These include correcting teeth that are discolored, cracked, have gaps, or appear too small. Many cases can be completed with no-prep veneers, meaning they do not require reduction or grinding on your teeth.
Some advantages of Dr. Konig’s no-prep or non-prep veneers are:
- Preserve the natural tooth
- No anesthesia (no shots)
- Â Excellent bond to enamel for durability
- Â Beautiful esthetics
These veneers are ultra thin and Dr. Konig customizes these to fit your smile line, face, and individuality. No two smiles are alike.
Dr. Konig explains, “”The no-prep veneers are very conservative and an excellent option for spaces, small teeth, and for those who desire a more full smile.”
If you have questions regarding Houston porcelain veneers or N0-prep veneers or non-prep veneers, please feel free to contact our office, Ronald W. Konig DDS, FAGD, LVIF, 713-2668-2289.